A systematic review on whey protein formula and atopic dermatitis:
A systematic review of 18 articles assessed the evidence that 100% whey protein partially hydrolyzed formula (PHWF) may help reduce atopic dermatitis (AD), an inflammatory, non-contagious itchy skin disorder, in infants. Researchers report a significant 44% reduction in AD symptoms in infants receiving PHWF compared to infants receiving cow’s milk formula. An additional analysis of studies considered superior in methodological quality reported a 55% reduction in AD incidence in infants given PHWF. (11)
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS):
The AAP has commented on the risk of SIDS. This source explained that the unexpected death of a child under age 1 was reduced by 36% in infants who were breastfed. About 21% of infant deaths in the US are thought to be due to the increase in SIDS in babies who were never breastfed. A baby’s sleeping position did not contribute to the beneficial effect of breastfeeding on SIDS. (1)