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Broccoli Sprouts


Broccoli sprouts and bladder cancer:

In a study provided by AgResearch Limited, freeze dried aqueous extract of broccoli sprouts was given to rats after the bladder was exposed to nitrosamine (a cancer inducing substance). The broccoli sprouts were found to inhibit bladder cancer development. Adding broccoli sprouts to one\’s diet offers important protectants against oxidants and carcinogens. Enzymes contained in broccoli sprouts were rapidly delivered to the bladder after they were consumed through urinary excretion. Therefore, they may be a potential agent for bladder cancer prevention. (6)



Assessment and Plan: Broccoli Sprouts

  • Broccoli sprouts are easy to produce in the home, and appear to have numerous potential health benefits. They provide an inexpensive way to add nutrition to the diet. Research is currently being conducted in a variety of potential treatments but is in early stages. Like most nutritional supplements, the FDA has not approved the use of broccoli sprouts or sulforaphane for any specific treatment of disease. Broccoli sprouts may be consumed for general health and wellness enhancement but they require more research for use in treatment of specific disease conditions.


  • Cruciferous vegetables themselves have many potential health benefits but the research on broccoli sprouts is based upon the higher content of sulforaphane believed to be the compound responsible for health benefits.


  • Broccoli sprouts powder may reduce triglycerides, reduce oxidized LDL to LDL ratio, increase HDL, may result in a significantly lower insulin concentration and reduced a measure of insulin resistance in type 2 diabetics(1,2).


  • Helicobacter pylori infection in the upper gastrointestinal tract which can cause gastritis, gastric ulcers, duodenal ulcers and stomach cancer was partially treated with broccoli sprouts in one study (3).


  • Broccoli sprouts were associated with a greater reduction in the risk of breast cancer and may be a potential agent for bladder cancer prevention but more research is required. (5,6)


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