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Butcher’s Broom, Ruscus aculeatus
Ruscus aculeatus, also known as Butcher’s Broom, is a prickly plant made up of a strong root system native to the Mediterranean region. The stem and root of this herb is responsible for the medicinal properties. There are many disease conditions patients may attempt to treat with this agent, but the only indication with strong evidence for efficacy is chronic venous insufficiency. Venous insufficiency may be related to degradation of veins in the legs by dysfunction of venous valves, varicose veins, and phlebitis. It may be induced by long term use of combination oral contraceptive pills. In addition to its diuretic effect, Butcher’s Broom is known for its vasoconstrictive and anti-inflammatory effects. Butcher’s Broom can support the circulation by stimulating smooth muscle of blood vessels to constrict. Butcher’s Broom has also been reported to help relieve pain and heaviness in the limbs, as well as cramping and swelling. Some of the brand names produced with Butcher’s Broom include Cyclo 3 Fort and Phlebodril. This agent is also under investigation for orthostatic hypotension.