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Chlorophyll and Aflatoxin
Chlorophyll is a naturally occurring chemical that gives plants their green color and facilitates the process of photosynthesis. Chlorophyll is believed to improve the health of the circulatory, digestive, immune and detoxification systems of the body. According to Hamid AS et al, aflatoxin is a carcinogen present in mold contaminated foods which is a major risk factor for hepatocellular cancer (HCC). HCC has an increasing incidence in the world’s population especially in low income countries (1). Research shows that chlorophyll may reduce DNA damage caused by aflatoxin.
Chlorophyllin and levels of aflatoxin-DNA byproducts:
A chlorophyllin supplement was found to greatly reduce the levels of aflatoxin-DNA byproducts in the body, which are indicators of exposure to carcinogenic aflatoxins and increased risk of liver cancer in a study of 180 healthy adults. Chlorophyllin is a derivative of chlorophyll and is used as an over-the-counter diet supplement and as a food colorant. Half of participants took 100 mg tablets of chlorophyllin 3 times a day with meals for 4 months. The other half was given a placebo. Urine and blood samples were taken over four months to determine the effects of chlorophyllin on excretion of aflatoxin-DNA damage products. According to the study’s results, the people who took chlorophyllin showed a 55% reduction in aflatoxin-DNA damage, compared to the placebo group. (2)