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Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT)

If the deep vein thrombosis occurred in the upper leg, above the knee, the individual will probably need to take in anticoagulant therapy for up to six months or longer.  After six months the physician may recommend to continue anticoagulant therapy to prevent any more clots from recurring, depending upon overall medical condition.


DVT Prevention

As with most medical conditions it is easier to prevent than it is to treat.  Minimize risk factors by participating in regular exercises, reducing the amount of time sitting or standing for long lengths of time, reducing overall weight and pressure placed on lower extremities, and make wise lifestyle choices such as quitting smoking.  When hospitalized for any reason request compression stockings or balloon stockings to continue to assist the lower extremities to return blood to the heart.  Be sure to get out of bed, as possible, and walk through the hospital several times each day.

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