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Hormone Replacement Therapy in Women


Bio-identical hormones:

FDA perspective on “bio-identical” hormones: Community clinics often promote the use of hormone therapy in the form of “bio-identical hormones.” According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the term “bio-identical” may be used to falsely promote hormones as safe because they are sourced from plants or identical to that produced in the human body. In fact as of 2010, the FDA stated that the term “bio-identical” was not recognized by the FDA as a medical term. Many have been persuaded by marketing to believe that phytoestrogens are different than the estrogens contained in other sources. However, the standpoint of the FDA is that regardless of where the hormones are derived, the benefits and risks are similar. FDA has approved hormone products with defined dosages which are formulated and manufactured under a high standard. The FDA has warned that “bio-identical” hormones from compounding pharmacies have a higher degree of risk because they not monitored by the FDA strictly to ensure that these formulations are safe or effective. The FDA has not approved any medication or formula containing the hormone estriol due to unknown safety or effectiveness. (6) Consumers and healthcare providers may educated by being directed to the link:

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