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How to Fall Asleep -Do Not Eat Insomnia Cookies!

how to fall asleep

If you abide by these simple rules for lifestyle change, you will see how to fall asleep smiling.

Your Body Shows You How to Fall Asleep

Go to bed the same time each evening and wake up the same time each day. The regular sleep schedule places your body into a predictable biological rhythm. Help your body do what it expects and your body can show you how to fall asleep.

Caffeine is Great Early in the Day

Avoidance of caffeine is critical to resting well. If caffeine is consumed, drink no more than 1 cup of coffee or 2 cups of tea daily and not within 8 hours of bedtime. Pollak and Bright found that teens with higher caffeine intake slept fewer hours at night and took more naps during the day than those who had less caffeine. Consuming greater amounts of caffeine was found to lead to shorter sleep duration, longer awake time, and increased sleep during the day or napping in adolescents.

Alcohol Works Against You

Avoid drinks with alcohol near bedtime. As alcohol levels rise in the blood, a stimulant effect occurs but as they fall one will experience sedation. When attempting to sleep the stimulant effect of alcohol may produce insomnia. Alcohol has been known to inhibit R.E.M sleep and cause difficulty in entering a state of deep sleep.

Light from Devices

Turn off electronic devices, especially those which project light into the eyes. Electronic devices such as television, internet, and audio invokes the stimulation of neurons which reduces the possibility of sleep. The light from these devices will suppress melatonin production from the hypothalamus and decreases the chance of sleep.

Hungry and Sleep Do Not Mix

Do not try to fall asleep hungry. Eat a small snack up to a medium sized meal before you go to bed. If you wake up hungry, eat something then go back to sleep. Avoid sugar or insomnia cookies. Concentrated sweets before sleep promote excess release of unnecessary energy prior to sleep.

How to Fall Asleep With Fruit

Take 2 kiwis and call it a night. Lin HH et al found that after 4 weeks of kiwifruit consumption, total sleep time and sleep efficiency were significantly increased. The study found that kiwi fruit improved sleep onset, duration, and efficiency in adults with self-reported sleep disturbances. A study show that an 8 ounce tart cherry beverage from whole Montmorency tart cherries and apples was found to help participants modestly improve the severity of insomnia. The authors of the study found this beverage to be comparable to valerian root supplements and comparable to melatonin in some of the research. Another randomized double-blind clinical trial showed that tart cherry juice increased melatonin to improve the duration of sleep in the amount of restful sleep.

Nicotine and Stimulants

Avoid smoking or chewing tobacco in the evening as nicotine is a stimulant.

How to Fall Asleep Without Forcing It

Do not force yourself to sleep. Lying in bed and trying to force sleep to happen can cause you to associate your bed with not sleeping. Trying to force sleep may also result in adverse consequences such as taking excessive sleep aides and being at risk of the adverse reactions from these sedatives.

Exercise Shows You How to Fall Asleep

Exercising daily allows enough fatigue for a restful sleep pattern. However, exercise “revs up” the metabolism, so it best not to workout within 5 hours of your bedtime.

Take Care of Worries During the Day

Anxiety, worry, and stress need to be resolved prior to bedtime. It’s not easy to resolve because stress and worry are unpredictable and are complicated. Many have had excellent results from essential oils which appease the senses and may help you ease into sleep. When worry hits before bed, try to find a temporary resolution in the best way you know how. Work to resolve it during the day when possible before it interferes with sleep. Yes, it easier said than done!

How to Fall Asleep with Your Ipad

In order to see how to fall asleep with devices, don’t use them at all before bed. Eliminate or adjust things in the home or bedroom which cause unrest such as predictable noise from phones, doorbells, alarm systems, radios, and TVs. Prevent light from entering the room. Make sure children and pets are content before going to bed or have what they need when they wake up.

Sleep Enough But Not Too Much

Don’t get out of bed until you feel that you have had enough rest. Also, don’t spend more time in bed after you have rested enough.

References for How to Fall Asleep:
Pollak CP, Bright D. Caffeine Consumption and Weekly Sleep Patterns in U.S. Seventh-, Eighth, and Ninth-Grader. Pediatrics. 2003 Jan;111(1):42-6.
Lin HH, Tsai PS, Fang SC, Liu JF. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr 2011;20(2):169-74. PMID: 21669584
Pigeon WR, Carr M, Gorman C, Perlis ML. Effects of a tart cherry juice beverage on the sleep of older adults with insomnia: a pilot study. J Med Food. 2010 Jun;13(3):579-83.
Howatson G, Bell PG, Tallent J, Middleton B, McHugh MP, Ellis J. Effect of tart cherry juice (Prunus cerasus) on melatonin levels and enhanced sleep quality. Eur J Nutr. 2012 Dec;51(8):909-16. Epub 2011 Oct 30.

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