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Lung Cancer


Beta-cryptoxanthin and lung cancer:

A cohort study on beta-cryptoxanthin was performed by Yaun, JM, et al in Shanghai, China on over 60,000 Chinese men. Researchers estimated the intake of the following nutrients: alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, lycopene, lutein/zeaxanthin, vitamins A, C, and E, and folate. Subjects with the lowest intake of beta-cryptoxanthin was compared with those with the highest intake. It was found that the highest intake of beta-cryptoxanthin was associated with the lowest risk of lung cancer, (95% confidence interval) average relative risk of 0.73, range (0.54-0.98) noted in all subjects and average relative risk of 0.63, range (0.41-0.99) in those subjects which were smoking. After the variable of smoking was adjusted within the study subjects, an approximately 15-40% reduction in risk of lung cancer was noted in the highest verses lowest intake of dietary beta-cryptoxanthin. (14)

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