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Natural and Artificial Sweeteners


Erythritol, xylitol, dental caries (cavities), and otitis media:

Both erythritol and xylitol may prevent dental caries (cavities). Mäkinen KK et al found a statistically significant reduction in dental plaque and mutans streptococci after taking 7 gram chewable tablets of either xylitol or erythritol twice per day. (13)

Xylitol has promising potential application in the prevention of otitis media in young children. These ear infections were reduced by 25% in children that took 2 pieces of chewing gum containing 8.4 grams of xylitol and chewed the gum for 5 minutes twice per day. (14)


Sorbitol and Maltitol:

Sorbitol and maltitol  are sugar alcohols commonly used in sugar free foods

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