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Natural and Artificial Sweeteners


Erythritol and xylitol sweetness:

Erythritol is about 2/3 as sweet as sugar and xylitol about equivalent sweetness to sugar


Erythritol and xylitol in diabetes:

Both have low calories and do not affect glucose in those with diabetes.


Erythritol compared to other sugar alcohols:

Erythritol is the only sugar alcohol without a laxative effect since most is absorbed in the small intestines


Xylitol compared to other sugar alcohols:

Xylitol does have a laxative effect, but much less than sorbitol and maltitol.


Erythritol, xylitol and bacteria:

Erythritol and xylitol may prevent bacterial adherence to mucous membranes of the mouth and gastrointestinal tract. (12)

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