“The clock is ticking…Your doctor may only give you 6 months before starting you on medication. Start these natural ways to reduce cholesterol before you get stuck on statins.”
It is astounding to see people taking medication before using the many natural ways to reduce cholesterol and lower LDL. High cholesterol is one of the major risk factors leading to heart disease, heart attack and stroke. Too much cholesterol in the blood can lead to cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease is the No. 1 cause of death in the United States. Over 2,100 Americans die of cardiovascular disease each day, an average of one death every 40 seconds. Hyperlipidemia is a diagnosis which refers to elevated blood lipids levels of total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein (LDL), and triglycerides. It also includes low levels of high density lipoprotein (HDL). At proper levels, lipids perform important functions in the body, but can cause health problems if they are at abnormal levels. The clock is ticking…Your doctor may only give you 6 months before starting you on medication. Start these natural ways to reduce cholesterol before you get stuck on statins.
Are Natural Ways Able to Reverse High Cholesterol?
Most hyperlipidemia is reversible by using natural ways to reduce cholesterol. Lifestyle contributors include obesity, lack of exercise, dietary habits, and smoking. Conditions that may cause hyperlipidemia include diabetes, thyroid disease, kidney disease, and pregnancy. Hyperlipidemia may also be inherited. The many natural ways to reduce cholesterol and LDL means reducing excess weight, optimizing dietary changes, exercising, and taking supplements. There are many natural ways to reduce cholesterol and natural treatment options for prevention and improvement of hyperlipidemia. Control of cholesterol and lowering LDL is one of the most important goals described by American Heart Association (AHA) required to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, reduce risk of stroke and achieve ideal cardiovascular health.
Your Goals For Using Natural Ways to Reduce Cholesterol
Use natural ways to reduce cholesterol and achieve LDL, HDL, triglyceride and total cholesterol goals. The Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol has established that the following lipid profile is optimal (3):
- LDL optimal under 100 mg/dl, near optimal 100-129 mg/dL, borderline high 130-159 mg/dL, high 160-189 mg/dL, and very high over 190 mg/dL.
- Total cholesterol is recommended to be under 200 mg/dL.
- An HDL goal of over 40 mg/dL for men and over 50 mg/dL for women is generally supported, but no specific official goals for HDL cholesterol and triglycerides exist.
- The goal for triglycerides is generally supported to be under 150 mg/dL. An HDL under 40 mg/dL for men and under 50 mg/dL for women as well as a triglyceride level of over 150 mg/dL are all associated with metabolic syndrome.
The Natural Ways to Reduce Cholesterol Include:
1.Eat a healthful diet the majority of the time including vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fat-free or low fat dairy, beans, lean meat, poultry, and cold water, oily fish at least twice weekly (3).
2.Limit total cholesterol intake to 300 mg per day for healthy adults with LDL cholesterol under 100 mg/dl as one of the natural ways to reduce cholesterol. Limit cholesterol to 200 mg per day if you have coronary artery disease,(3).
3.The total fat intake should be limited to under 25–35 percent of total calories per day as one of many natural ways to reduce cholesterol (3).
4.Your saturated fat intake should be limited to under 7 percent of total calories per day (3).
5.Trans-fat intake should be under 1 percent of total calories per day (3).
6.One of the many natural ways to reduce cholesterol is to take your dietary fat from monounsaturated or polyunsaturated oils from unsalted nuts, seeds, oily fish, and vegetable oil such as canola or olive oil (3).
7.Maintain a healthy bodyweight: Strive for a body mass index (BMI) between 18.5-24.9 kg/m² (4).
8.Lose weight: weight loss leads to lower cholesterol and LDL (4).
9.If you are diabetic, keep blood glucose in normal range (4).
10.Natural ways to reduce cholesterol includes a physically active lifestyle as regular activity promotes cardiovascular fitness and helps control cholesterol levels (4)
11.Quit smoking and stay away from tobacco (4)
12.Consume soluble fiber from fruit and vegetables (9).
13.Eat insoluble cereal fiber including cereals, wheat bran and whole grain products (9).
14.Try a Mediterranean diet as one of the natural ways to reduce cholesterol: Mediterranean style diets are associated with reduced risk for cardiovascular disease, lower inflammatory cytokines, improved lipid profiles and increased survival (9).
15.Try a vegan diet which resulted in a total and LDL cholesterol decrease by 20.4 mg/dL and 13.5 mg/dL, respectively (11).
16.Consume a lower amount of cholesterol in the diet. See common foods with high cholesterol content at: Nutritive Value of Foods, United States Department of Agriculture (12).
17.Perform aerobic exercise: Individuals of all ages capable of aerobic exercise should use it as one of the natural ways to reduce cholesterol. Aerobic exercise should be done most days of the week for cholesterol reduction (15,16) to reduce total cholesterol by about 11 points (15).
18.Use exercise plus eat a low fat, high fiber, complex carbohydrate diet to lower total cholesterol about 33 points, reduce LDL about 20 points, and reduce triglycerides by about 109 mg/dl (15)
19.Consume 26 grams of whey protein or soy protein to lower cholesterol 11.2 mg/dL for soy, and 15.9 mg/dL for whey protein (23,37).
20.Reduce the amount of fat consumption to 10% of calories as in the Pritikin Program (24,25,26).
21.Avoid refined grain products (white flour, regular pasta, white rice) (24,25,26).
22.Eat four 1-cup servings of raw vegetables daily (24,25,26).
23.Consume at least three servings of fruit daily (24,25,26).
24.Natural ways to reduce cholesterol include drinking water, low-sodium vegetable juices, grain-based coffee substitutes or caffeine-free teas (24,25,26).
25.Drink no more than four alcoholic drinks per week for women and no more than seven for men, with red wine preferred over beer or distilled spirits (24,25,26).
26.Moderate amounts of fish, nonfat dairy, and lean meat with no more than one 3.5 cooked serving of animal protein per day with fish and shellfish (24,25,26).
27.Reduce consumption of lean poultry to once a week and lean beef to once a month (24,25,26).
28.Avoid fried foods, dressing with fat, and fatty sauces, animal fats, processed meat, dairy products not made with non-rat milk, egg yolks, salty snacks, cakes, cookies, and similar high-calorie choices (24,25,26).
29.Perform 45 minutes of walking daily (24,25,26).
30.Consider the Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes Diet (TLC) to reduce LDL by about 12% in women and 8% in men (6).
31.Eat nuts such as almonds and walnuts which may result in an 8% to 12% reduction in LDL (6, 29).
32.Consume 100 grams of oat cereal daily as one of the natural ways to reduce cholesterol (30).
33.Eat 3grams of oat β-glucan daily (31,34).
34.Include more flavonoids from vegetables, fruits, green tea, potatoes, and tofu (35).
35.Consider a fiber supplement such as Guar gum, glucomannan, or psyllium husk fiber (38-53).
36.Pick red wine over other alcohol drinks which has significantly better cardiovascular disease risk reduction compared to beer, vodka, whiskey, gin, tequila, or rum (71-73).
37.Eat garlic daily to decrease LDL cholesterol by about 6.6% (95).
38.Take a β-sitosterol supplement which take the place of cholesterol in the intestines and result in reducing cholesterol absorption (99).
39.Consider policosanol as one of the natural ways to reduce cholesterol, a natural supplement derived from sugar cane (104).
40. Black Seed oil lowered total cholesterol about 15 points on average, lowered LDL about 14 points on average, and lowered triglycerides about 20 points on average (144).
References: 40 Natural Ways to Reduce Cholesterol and LDL
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3.Lichtenstein, Alice H., Lawrence J. Appel, Michael Brands, Mercedes Carnethon, Stephen Daniels, Harold A. Franch, MD, Barry Franklin, Penny Kris-Etherton, William S. Harris, Barbara Howard, Njeri Karanja, Michael Lefevre, Lawrence Rudel, Frank Sacks, Linda Van Horn, Mary Winston, Judith Wylie-Rosett. AHA Scientific Statement: Diet and Lifestyle Recommendations Revision 2006. Circulation. 2006; 114: 82-96. http://circ.ahajournals.org/content/114/1/82.short
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