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Red Wine Benefits


Red wine and kidney stone risk in women:

A similar study design looked at kidney stone formation in women and found a 59% reduced risk of kidney stones with each 8-ounce serving of wine daily. (8)


Red wine and esophageal, gastric cancer risk:

Gammon et al performed a population-based case-control study on 1,143 patients with esophageal and gastric adenocarcinoma and compared them to controls to determine the risk factors of these cancers. The authors found that esophageal and gastric cancer odds ratio was 0.6 with a 95% confidence interval in drinkers of wine which translated to 40% lower odds of these cancers occurring in wine drinkers over controls. Beer drinkers and liquor drinkers were not found to be related to esophageal and gastric cancer. Of note, smoking significantly contributed to esophageal and gastric adenocarcinoma and was believed by the authors to cause about 40% of these cancers (9)

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