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Varicose Veins Natural Treatment

Arrive for the procedure wearing comfortable loose fitting clothing. Be sure to bring a friend or relative with you in order to have them drive you home after the procedure. Your doctor will most likely order compression stockings for use after the procedure in order to reduce the likelihood of bruising and tenderness. These stockings should be worn for approximately 1 week and are often kept in place continuously for the first 72 hours. Patients are encouraged to do aerobic activity and are highly discouraged or are forbidden from bed rest, hot baths, heavy lifting or long travel for approximately 1 to two weeks.

Reports of any major complications are very rare. Patients who are not good candidates for laser therapy are those who are allergic to local anesthetic, have current infections in their legs, lymphedema, nonambulatory patients, experienced peripheral arterial insufficiency or are in poor general health. Women who are pregnant or those who have had an active venous thromboembolism should also not undergo this procedure.

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