Whey protein in atopic dermatitis:
A systematic review of 18 articles assessed the evidence that 100% whey protein partially hydrolyzed formula (PHWF) may help reduce atopic dermatitis (AD), an inflammatory, non-contagious itchy skin disorder, in infants. Researchers report a significant 44% reduction in AD symptoms in infants receiving PHWF compared to infants receiving cow\’s milk formula. An additonal analysis of studies considered superior in methodolocial quality reported a 55% reduction in AD incidence in infants given PHWF. (6)
Whey protein effects on cancer:
Whey protein and glutathione (GSH): Whey proteins have been shown to increase glutathione (GSH) concentration which may prevent the development of several types of tumors. The authors suggests whey protein antitumor activity results from an increase in GSH concentration. (7)