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Caffeine equivalent to about a cup of coffee improved performance by about 3% in a 60 minute cycling time trial. Investigator had 12 well-trained, regular caffeine users undertake 4 separate cycling trials. Subjects consumed either a measured caffeine dose or a placebo (caffeine withdrawal) for 4 days before a 60 minute cycle time trial. On the caffeine trial, subjects were provided with 1.5 mg of caffeine per kilogram body weight, which equaled about 120 mg of caffeine. On the withdrawal trial, subjects received a placebo tablet to ensure they were blinded to the intervention. Then, on the actual day of the exercise cycle time trial, subjects consumed either a placebo or a 3 mg per kilogram dose of caffeine 90 minutes before the start of the trial. Results found that regardless if subjects withdrew from caffeine or had caffeine daily for the 4 days leading into the cycle time trial, having a 3 mg per kilogram dose of caffeine 90 minutes before the trial, improved exercise performance by about 3%. (6)

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