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Green Tea


Green tea and Dementia

The Ohsaki Cohort Study (54) evaluated a population of over 13,000 Chinese adults. The risk of dementia was found to be 24% lower for those that consumed 5 cups of green tea or more compared to those who drank less than 1 cup.


Green Tea and Oral Health

Sarin, S. et al found that 2% green tea mouthwash rinsed for 1 minute twice daily was statistically significant in the reduction of both plaque and gingivitis after 28 days compared to placebo (52).

A population study by Kushiyama M. et al used a questionaire to evaluate green tea consumption of 940 Japanese men 49 to 59 years old. Researchers found that a lower degree of periodontal disease was associated with an increasing number of cups of green tea consumption (53).

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