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In the case of hemorrhoids, the pressure builds when you strain to have a bowel movement, sit on the toilet for long periods of time, sit in the office for long periods of time or strain to lift heavy objects. As with varicose veins in the legs, there is also a genetic predisposition to the development of these varicose veins in the rectum. Those who know that family members suffer from this condition should take special precautions to prevent the development of hemorrhoids.

There are three different types of hemorrhoids depending upon the location of the inflamed and swollen vein. There are internal hemorrhoids which involve the veins inside the rectum and are not as painful as those which extrude. They may bleed painlessly. A prolapsed hemorrhoid can stretch until they bulge outside the anus. It can go back inside the rectum on its own or you can gently push it back inside. An external hemorrhoid involves the veins that are outside the anus and are often itchy, painful and sometimes will crack and bleed.

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