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Those who have a hemorrhoid may feel a tender lump on the edge of the anus or see blood on the toilet paper or in the toilet after a bowel movement. Many will find relief from using preventative measures, such as taking warm baths, using moist towelettes or ice packs to relieve the swelling. Your doctor can prescribe a steroid cream or suppository to help reduce the inflammation and pain.

One of the primary ways of preventing the development of hemorrhoids is to reduce the stress and strain of having a bowel movement. This means producing soft stool that can be excreted easily. You do this using several methods in combination.

Eat more fruits and vegetable to increase the high-fiber content of your diet. This helps to soften the stool and increase the bulk. This reduces straining that causes hemorrhoids or worsens the symptoms from already existing hemorrhoids. If you are not used to eating fiber in your diet you should introduce it slowly and gradually to reduce the amount of gas that your bowel will produce.

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