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Calcium: Low Calcium or Too Much Calcium Can Be Dangerous


Dietary calcium and weight loss:

Dietary calcium consumption can contribute to enhanced fecal fat excretion, which may be a relevant finding for weight loss. A meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies with consistent trial outcomes found that an increase in dairy calcium intake by 1241 mg/day leads to 5.2 g/day extra fecal fat excretion. (25)


Calcium for binding phosphorus in chronic kidney disease:

A total of 40 trials were reviewed by Navaneethan SD et al which compared risks and benefits of calcium carbonate and calcium acetate phosphorus binders with sevelamer. In patients with chronic kidney disease, treatment with the 2 mentioned calcium salts (calcium acetate and calcium carbonate) resulted in a significant decrease in phosphorus levels (often elevated due to kidney disease) and parathyroid hormone levels (regulate calcium and phosphate levels) compared to patients taking sevelamer, a drug commonly used to treat high blood levels of phosphorus in patients with kidney disease. Compared to calcium salts, treatment with sevelamer had about one half the risk of hypercalcemia. Patients taking sevelamer were found to be 39% more likely to experience gastro-intestinal side-effects than those taking calcium salts. Lanthanum decreased both calcium and phosphorus levels. (26)

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