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Breast Cancer


Breast cancer and calcium:

Adequate calcium intake by premenopausal women was associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer. (24)


Breast cancer and soy:

Research suggests that soy lowers the risk of breast cancer recurrence and increases the chances for survival in women. Findings from the Shanghai Breast Cancer Survival Study of 5,033 Chinese women found that the top 25% of high soy intake (over 15.3 grams per day) who were diagnosed with breast cancer and treated with surgery were noted to have a lower risk of breast cancer death and recurrence compared to those on a diet with little or no soy (less than 5.3 grams of soy per day). Among women with the top 25% of high soy intake, 4-year breast cancer mortality rate was 7.4 % verses 10.3% for the lowest soy intake. The breast cancer recurrence rate was 8.0% for high soy intake and 11.2 % for low soy intake. The inverse association of soy with breast cancer mortaliy and recurrence was seen regardless of estrogen receptor status and whether tamoxifen was taken or not. (25)

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