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Creatine and chronic heart failure:

Muscle endurance improved in a double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study of patients with chronic heart failure. Treatment with 20 g of creatine for 5 days increased the amount of exercise they could complete before they reached exhaustion. No effect was reported in the placebo group. Chemicals produced during exhaustive exercise (ammonia and lactate) were reduced (-2.7 and -0.05 micromols per liter per contraction, respectively) with use of creatine but not with placebo. (10)


Creatine phosphate and coronary artery bypass surgery:

The use of creatine phosphate in individuals undergoing coronary artery (heart) surgery was examined in 50 patients who were administered either creatine phosphate or placebo during surgery. Findings show a reduction in arrhythmia rates and lower CK and CKMB level in patients during and after surgery when creatine phosphate was administered without significant difference in blood pressure and heart rate monitoring including patients with worse ventricular systolic function than in controls. (11)

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