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Diabetes: Can Diabetes be Reversed? and Natural Remedies for Diabetes


Vegetarian diet and incidence of diabetes:

In a two-year study of non-diabetic participants, 15,200 men and 26,187 women were followed for 2 years. It was inclusive of 17.3% blacks. During that time period the development of diabetes cases were significantly reduced in vegans, lacto-ovo, and semi vegetarians. It was determined that vegetarian diets are associated with reduction in diabetes incidence. Those with black ethnicity also were found to have lower incidence of diabetes. The vegetarian diets appeared to negate the higher risk of diabetes present in blacks due to their ethnicity. (27)


Amount of weight loss required to improve blood glucose levels:

According to a study published by Nature Clinical Practice Gastroenterology & Hepatology in 2008, overweight and obese individuals run the risk of having type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. Individuals suffering from these ailments can reverse the effects by losing 8%-10% of initial body weight. As low as a 5% weight loss maintained long term can have beneficial effects on cholesterol and blood glucose levels in the body. (28)

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