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Natural Ways to Reduce Cholesterol and How to Increase HDL Naturally.


Starting exercise in apparently healthy adults:

According to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the American Heart Association (AHA), older adults need moderate-intensity (between 5-6 on a 10-point scale) aerobic endurance activity for a minimum of 30 min which can be achieved in short 10 minute sessions on five days each week or vigorous-intensity aerobic, (rated a 7-8 on a 10-point scale) activity for a minimum of 20 min on 3 days each week.


Evidence-based benefits of aerobic exercise on hyperlipidemia:

A brisk half-an-hour walk every day can significantly reduce blood lipids (18). According to the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association (AHA), moderate-intensity aerobic activity, preferably every day of the week, for a minimum of 30 minutes per day is recommended to improve and maintain cholesterol levels in adults (16).

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