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Breast Cancer


Breast cancer and yoga:

A meta-analysis of 13 randomized controlled trials examining yoga for patients with cancer, specifically breast cancer patients, found yoga was associated with reduced stress, anxiety, depression, and fatigue. Furthermore, among participants, yoga moderately increased quality of life, emotional and social function, and functional well-being. Physical function and sleep were not significantly affected. (19)


Breast cancer and vitamin B12 deficiency:

Researchers investigated whether breast cancer may, in part, be caused by a vitamin B12 deficiency. At Johns Hopkins University in Maryland, two large but separate blood sample donations were evaluated against cases of breast cancer. In 1974, 12,450 blood samples were donated by female volunteers. In 1989, another 14,625 women again voluntarily donated samples of their blood. Cases of breast cancer that occurred in these groups of women were then recorded and their blood samples examined. Researchers found that women who had the lowest levels of B12 in their blood, had the highest rates of breast cancer. Therefore, the authors concluded that there was a link between breast cancer risk and low B12 levels, mostly among postmenopausal women. (20)

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