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Natural Ways to Reduce Cholesterol and How to Increase HDL Naturally.


Policosanol and hyperlipidemia:

Policosanol and high cholesterol: Policosanol is a natural extract of plant waxes derived from sugar cane which is effective for hyperlipidemia, and has an excellent safety profile .

Policosanol, 5 or 10 mg/day administered along with omega-3 FA 1 g/day improved total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triglycerides in patients suffering from type II hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol). After 8 weeks on omega-3 FA + policosanol 5 and 10 mg/day or omega-3 FA + placebo, participants taking policosanol experienced a 21.1% and 24.4% reduction in LDL-C for the 5mg and 10mg doses respectively. Total cholesterol was significantly reduced by 12.7% and 15.3% in participants taking policosanol 5mg and 10 mg, respectively. HDL-C was significantly increased by 14.4% and 15.5% in participants taking policosanol 5mg and 10 mg, respectively. Triglycerides was significantly reduced by 13.6% and 14.7% in participants taking policosanol 5mg and 10 mg, respectively. Placebo experience a reduction in triglycerides of 14.2% but reported no effect on total cholesterol, LDL-C, or HDL-C. (104)

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