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Prostate Cancer


Prostate cancer and dietary modifications:

Epidemiologic studies:

After reviewing 46 published research studies, Gathirua-Mwangi and Zhang reported an increase in risk of advanced prostate cancer in those with a regular dietary intake of thoroughly cooked meats, saturated fat, and calcium (19).


Mediterranean diet and prostate cancer:

A literature review study by Ferrís-Tortajada, J et al expressed that the risk of prostate cancer is reduced on those with intake of a Mediterranean diet when compared to a Western-style diet with foods high in meat and saturated fat (20).

A Mediterranean style diet generally consisted of a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, olive oil, legumes, nuts, beans, herbs, seeds, and spices as the primary basis for each meal. Fish and seafood is eaten often at least twice per week. Yogurt, poultry, eggs, and cheese is consumed in moderate portions daily to weekly. Meats and sweets are eaten infrequently. (21)

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