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Prostate Cancer

Factors of race and exercise on prostate cancer risk: Different activities may be measured in terms of MET hours, (Metabolic Equivalent Task) hours, which is a unit used to describe energy expended in a physicial activity. For instance, a slow walk is about 2 METs, walking fast is about 4 METs, jogging at a 12 minute mile is about 8 METs, and running a 10 minute mile is about 10 METs. A prospective study followed exercise habits of 164 white men and 143 black men planned for prostate biopsy. The white men who exercised 9 or more MET hours per week were 53% less likely to have a biopsy positive for prostate cancer than white men who exercised under 9 MET hours per week (odds ratio of 0.47). The risk of having a positive biopsy result was not reduced in black men who exercised, and according to the authors, more research is needed on why exercise did not improve risk in black men. (4)

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