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Prostate Cancer


Dairy products, calcium, vitamin D and prostate cancer:

Consumption of dairy products, calcium, and vitamin D showed no increase in the risk of prostate cancer in a review and meta-analysis of 45 observational studies. Cohort studies demonstrated no link between dairy or milk consumption and increased risk of prostate cancer nor did case control studies of calcium intake. Additionally, dietary intake of vitamin D was not correlated with increased prostate cancer risk. (26)


Prostate cancer and exercise:

Epidemiological evidence for prostate cancer prevention: Heitkamp and Jelas evaluated past and current epidemiological evidence for the prevention of prostate cancer with exercise. 32 case control studies and 17 case control studies were reviewed by the authors. The authors concluded that exercise done for recreation or employment related purposes did not appear to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. However, the studies which included intense exercise programs have shown to represent good evidence for prostate cancer prevention. (27)

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