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Vitamin C


Vitamin C and colon adenomas:

Antioxidant vitamins A, C, and E were found to lower the recurrence rate of cancers of the colon. Individuals (n=255) with a history of colonic adenoma were randomized to receive treatment with either (1) vitamin A (30,000 IU per day), vitamin C (1 gram per day), and vitamin E (70 mg per day); (2) lactulose; or (3) placebo for an average of 18 months. At the end of the treatment period, adenoma recurrence had occurred in 5.7% of the antioxidant vitamin group compared to 14.7% in the lactulose group and 35.9% in the placebo group. (5)


Vitamin C and cancer mortality:

Intravenous vitamin C and cancer mortality:

Researchers investigated health-related quality of life after intravenous (IV) administration of high-dose vitamin C in 39 patients dying from cancer. All patients received 10 g vitamin C intravenously with a 3-day interval combined with a daily oral intake of 4 g for a week. After administration of vitamin C, overall health scores measuring using a questionnaire developed to assess the quality of life of cancer patients (EORTC QLQ-C30) improved from 36 to 55. Patients reported significantly higher scores for physical, role, emotional, and cognitive function. Significantly lower scores for fatigue, nausea/vomiting, pain, and appetite loss were also reported. High-dose vitamin C IV injections has been found to increase the quality of life in patients dying from cancer. After 1 wk of vitamin C therapy 39 terminal cancer patients experience improved emotional and cognitive function. Additionally, a reduction in pain and fatigued were reported. (8)

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