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Cholesterol, High Cholesterol


83.Buckley, M. S., Goff, A. D., and Knapp, W. E. Fish oil interaction with warfarin. Ann Pharmacother. 2004;38(1):50-52.


84.Nelson GJ, Schmidt PS, Bartolini GL, Kelley DS, Kyle D. The effect of dietary docosahexaenoic acid on platelet function, platelet fatty acid composition, and blood coagulation in humans. Lipids. 1997 Nov;32(11):1129-36.


85.Bays HE. Safety considerations with omega-3 Fatty Acid therapy. Am J Cardiol. 2007;99(6A):S35-43.


86.Duttaroy AK, Jørgensen A. Effects of kiwi fruit consumption on platelet aggregation and plasma lipids in healthy human volunteers. Platelets. 2004 Aug;15(5):287-92.

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