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Ischemic Stroke, Brain Attack

A case-control study tracked frequency and duration of tea drinking, quantity of dried tea leaves, and types of tea consumed, habitual diet and lifestyle characteristics among 374 ischemic stroke (IS) patients in China from 2007 to 2008; 464 control subjects were also recruited. Researchers found that the risk of ischemic stroke decreased with the increase in the frequency of tea consumption (OR=0.61), duration of tea consumption (OR=0.40) and the increase in the amount of tea leaves brewed (OR-0.27). Additionally, when compared with infrequent or nondrinkers, there was a significant decrease in risk of ischemic stroke associated with drinking at least one cup of tea weekly (P=0.015). Risk reduction was greatest among those drinking one to 2 cups of green or oolong tea daily. (49)

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