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Ischemic Stroke, Brain Attack

Vitamin C has been shown to be beneficial for people with certain diseases or conditions. High intakes of vitamin C have been associated with a decreased risk of heart disease, cancer, eye diseases, and neurological conditions. High dose vitamin C, with an upper tolerable level set at 2g, has been shown to be safe in adults. Among healthy individuals, the recommended daily intake of vitamin C is 75 mg for women and 90g for men. (93)


Rehabilitation post ischemic stroke:

Patients should be evaluated and treated with physical, occupational, and speech therapy as indicated based on loss of function as soon as it is safe from a medical perspective. Early rehabilitation rather than a delay will allow a better chance for recovery. In some cases, a full recovery without residual deficits from stroke will be possible. All patients who are medically stabilized following stroke should participate in inpatient rehabilitation for at least 1 month (95). If stroke deficits are less severe or the patient does not qualify for an inpatient facility, outpatient clinic treatment should be instituted. Outpatient rehabilitation should be continued after the inpatient treatment outcome is maximized. A patient that is severely debilitated following stroke may not tolerate the duration and intensity of activity required for inpatient rehabilitation and therefore, subacute rehab as part of short term nursing home care may be the next best option.

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