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Ischemic Stroke, Brain Attack


Improvement of motor function with outpatient rehabilitation after stroke:

The Barthel Index (a reliable scoring system used to measure functional independence during activities of daily living) was found to have a statistically significant improvement from an average of 57 on admission to 79 at 3 months after discharge from an outpatient rehab clinic (96)


Aerobic exercise following stroke:

According to Boss HM et al, there has been no formal cardiopulmonary exercise treatment offered for secondary prevention of stroke despite its effectiveness for coronary artery disease. In the study, patients who had a minor stroke or transient ischemic attack and underwent exercise testing plus an exercise program, did not develop any cardiovascular events. Also, more of the patients who exercised reached medical treatment goals than those who did not exercise. Patients who are not contraindicated to undergo cardiopulmonary exercise due to cardiovascular or lung disease may benefit from this as a secondary prevention method. (97)

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