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Ischemic Stroke, Brain Attack

The AHA defines overweight as 25-29.9 kg/m², and obesity as greater than or equal to 30 kg/m². BMI can be calculated from the basic formula: [Weight (lb) / (Inches of height)²] x 703. BMI may also be calculated using a commonly available BMI calculator such as that available here: from the NIH National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. Please see weight loss in Preventive Health Advisor.


BMI and stroke risk:

  • Using hazard ratios, Saito, I et al found that the following BMI levels were paired with a higher risk of stroke in men and women compared to a BMI of 23.0-24.9 kg/m² (4):
  • BMI of 27.0-29.9 kg/m² was associated with a 9% higher risk of stroke in men and a 29% higher risk in women.
  • BMI of over 30.0 kg/m² was associated with a 25% higher risk of stroke in men and had more than double the risk of stroke in women.


Achieve lipid profile goals:

Achieve LDL, HDL, triglyceride and total cholesterol goals. The Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol has established that the following lipid profile is optimal (as cited in Lichtenstein, 2006): LDL optimal under 100 mg/dl, near optimal 100-129 mg/dL, borderline high 130-159 mg/dL, high 160-189 mg/dL, and very high over 190 mg/dL. No specific goals for HDL and triglycerides exist but HDL under 40 mg/dL for men and under 50 mg/dL for women as wells a s a triglyceride level of over 150 mg/dL are all associated with metabolic syndrome. For more information about treatment of elevated cholesterol levels, please see the hyperlipidemia section of Preventive Health Advisor.

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