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Resistance Training

Incorporate balance exercise in aerobic activity which may help prevent older adults from falling. Among older adults living in the community, a moderate to high-intensity balance exercise program is the most effective in preventing falls. Among older adults who needed extra care living in institutional settings, exercise along with multifactorial interventions are recommended. At a minimum, older adults need at least 50 hours of exercise to prevent falls. (14)

Once exercise testing is complete and physician feels it safe to proceed, adults with cardiovascular disease should perform muscle-training exercises 2-3 days each week using a variety of exercises (8-10 exercises involving the major muscle groups). For each exercise, 1 set of 8-15 repetitions (may increase to more than 1 set) is recommended to improve strength. Additionally, flexibility exercises performed at least 2 or 3 days each week are recommended. (6)

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