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Cancer Prevention
Environmental and chemical carcinogens:
Wogan et al discussed in an article that there are several concerning environmental and chemical carcinogens. Avoid smoking- DNA damage by carcinogens in tobacco may lead to lung cancer, bladder cancer and other cancers. Heterocyclic amines formed in meats heated over 180 degrees Celsius (about 400 degrees Fahrenheit for extended periods) are linked to breast, stomach and colon cancer in epidemiological studies. Liver cancer risk is elevated in patients with hepatitis infection exposed to aflatoxin produced by mold in foods originating from Asia and Africa. (2)
Exercise and Cancer:
Physical activity and lung cancer:
Alfano et al. completed a study, drawn from the beta-Carotene and Retinol Efficacy Trial, a lung cancer chemoprevention trial, examining physical activity and lung cancer incidence and mortality among 7,045 (59% male) current and former smokers with a mean age of 63 years. Compared to non-active participants, an increase in physical activity resulted in a 14% decreased risk for all-site cancer among men; a 16% decrease risk for lung cancer and a 15% decrease for cancer mortality was seen among younger participants only. Among women, they reported no association between physical activity and lung cancer incidence. Women who were physically active had a 31% decreased risk of lung cancer mortality compared with women who were not physically active. (3)