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Resistance Training

  1. Create a 3 workout cycle and follow in sequence.
  2. Start with the 3 major muscle group exercises and then on to the 2 minor muscle group exercises.
  3. Pick 3 exercises for each major muscle group and 2 for each minor muscle group.
  4. Use moderate, (not all out intensity) and increase weight with each set: 18 reps, increase weight, 15 reps then increase, 12 reps then increase, then finally 10 reps with highest weight. More benefit is achieved as conditioning occurs. Increase weight further as the muscles grow stronger and adapt to lighter weight.
  5. Consistency is the key and the process of building muscle mass is cumulative. Try not to miss more than 1 day of exercise at a time.
  6. Wait 1 min between sets and do multiple sets with each exercise.
  7. For every 2-3 days of strenuous exercise, or if soreness and fatigue occurs, do aerobic-type exercise only for that day or take a day of rest.
  8. Use different exercises to target different parts of each muscle to fully work each muscle.
  9. Drink 8-16 ounces of H20 30 min prior to working out, and an additional liter of water throughout the workout.
  10. Eat 1-2 hours before exercise to have any recent food fully digested in order to use this energy to fuel the workout. Eating too soon before exercise (under 45 min before a workout) may result in indigestion.
  11. Take a protein supplement with 15 -30 grams of protein within 15 minute of finishing your workout to repair muscle tissue. Eat a meal within 1-2 hours after resistance training to help repair muscle and replace carbohydrates.
  12. Include low fat protein (milk/yogurt/cheese, beans, chicken, lean beef, egg whites, whey protein) to keep amino acid levels within the blood for consistent building and maintaining muscle while losing weight.
  13. Keep carbohydrates low in the form of whole vegetables mainly, either fresh or cooked. Limit flour, pretzels, pasta, rice, and sugar.
  14. Include carbohydrates mainly for breakfast and lunch. Reduce for the later parts of the day.
  15. Try to work out at the same time each day. After a daily workout schedule is established, your body adjusts to anticipate exercise at the same time each day.
  16. Stretch the muscles being trained a few times during each workout and at the end of each workout.
  17. Most modern gyms have a cable machine circuit which is simple to use and trains each muscle group as you proceed with each machine. This can usually be completed within 30 minutes. This circuit may be divided into a lower body and upper body regimen with more sets per exercise. This may then be completed on 2 separate workout days. The circuit may then be used to work each body part more thoroughly with more sets per muscle group instead of only one set.
  18. Many gyms come with a free personal trainer for several sessions. Take advantage of this service for establishing a resistance training routine.


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