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High Blood Pressure, Hypertension


Alcohol and blood pressure:

Alcohol is known to increase blood pressure at both rest and during physical activity (32). Chronic alcohol drinkers have an increase in systolic blood pressure of about 9 mmHg and a diastolic blood pressure of about 6 mmHg compared to non-drinkers of alcohol (51).


Hyperlipidemia and hypertension:

Test for and treat hyperlipidemia if present. Many lifestyle modifications will benefit both hypertension and hyperlipidemia including dietary changes, exercise, foods and weight loss discussed here. For more information, see the section on hyperlipidemia.


Fiber supplements and hypertension:

Increasing the amount of daily soluble and insoluble fiber intake is recommended by incorporating a variety of at least 5 whole fruits and vegetables per day. Psyllium husk fiber (in pharmacies as brand name Metamucil and other generic brands) and glucomannan are reliable sources of daily soluble fiber intake. These 2 types of fiber are effective for improving the lipid profile, weight loss, and improvement of glucose control in diabetics. Psyllium is more effective than glucomannan for lowering blood pressure.

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