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High Blood Pressure, Hypertension


Cocoa and hypertension:

In a study, 15 healthy adults under the age of 50 and 19 healthy adults over the age of 50 drank 920 mls of Cocoapro from Mars Inc., Hackettstown, New Jersey, USA divided into 4 doses daily with a total of 821 mg of flavonols daily for 4-6 days. Flavonols naturally occur in plants and possess antioxidant characteristics. Blood pressure and peripheral arterial responses were recorded. The results showed blood vessel function improved among both younger and older adults after the cocoa phase. However, improvements were more significant in the older group. (70)


Oats, β-glucan, and blood pressure:

Whole grain oats may reduce cholesterol and improve high blood pressure a significant amount if consumed daily. Oat consumption has allowed patients to improve blood pressure control while at the same time, promote a significant reduction in blood pressure medications (65). A 6-week randomized controlled trial on hypertensive and hyperinsulinemic subjects by Keenan et al, compared an oat cereal group eating 5.52 grams daily of β-glucan to a low-fiber cereal group and found the following results: Systolic blood pressure decrease of 7.5 points and a diastolic pressure reduction of 5.5 points; decrease in both total cholesterol of 9% and LDL cholesterol of 14%; and trend toward improved insulin sensitivity. (71)

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