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High Blood Pressure, Hypertension


Green tea plus inulin and hypertension:

The effect of green tea plus inulin (a type of dietary soluble fiber) on body weight and fat mass in overweight adults was examined. 30 subjects were divided into a control group and an experimental group who received 650 ml (about 3-4 cups) of regular tea or catechin-rich green tea plus inulin (534 mg catechins and 11.7 g inulin). A reduction in body weight of approximately 4-5 pounds and an improvement by 7-8 points in systolic blood pressure among those drinking catechin-rich green tea plus inulin was found after 6 weeks, and no adverse effects were observed. In conclusion, sustained intake of catechin-rich green tea in combination with inulin for more than 3 weeks may contribute to weight loss and lower blood pressure. (58)

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