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High Blood Pressure, Hypertension


Screening for type-2 diabetes in patients with hypertension:

According to the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF), adults without any symptoms but with sustained blood pressure greater than 135/80 mm Hg (treated or untreated) are recommended to have screening for type 2 diabetes. (5)


Diagnosis of hypertension and stages of hypertension:

Normal blood pressure is a systolic blood pressure less than 120 mm Hg, and a diastolic blood pressure less than 80 mmHg. Many advocate for BP to be under 115/75 due to the research which has shown that a rise in BP over this range increases risk of heart disease. One who has a blood pressure of under 120/80 should be screened for hypertension every 2 years. If the blood pressure is 120-139/80-90, one should be screened every year and take action to lower blood pressure to 120/80. If blood pressure is 139/90 or higher for the upper or the lower number, consult a physician. There are some high BP emergencies: Hypertensive urgency is a diastolic blood pressure of 120 mmHg or higher which is not causing any symptoms or damage to organs. Malignant hypertension is characterized by a diastolic blood pressure over 100 mmHg with visual changes (blurred vision, double vision or vision loss), or altered mental status (confusion). Seek emergent medical care for hypertensive urgency or malignant hypertension.Low blood pressure, or hypotension, is systolic BP generally under 90 mmHg and a diastolic BP generally under 60. Likewise, seek emergent medical care for low BP with symptoms of fever, lightheadedness, fainting, poor concentration, nausea, diarrhea, clamminess, and thirst.

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