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High Blood Pressure, Hypertension


Evidence-based dietary approaches for hypertension:

Sodium intake for hypertension:

Individuals with high blood pressure should not add excess salt to any foods, and use an all-purpose spice flavoring such as Ms. Dash or other spices to flavor food instead of salt or salt substitutes. Salt substitutes often add potassium which may accumulate and cause hyperkalemia. Flavor enhancers such as monosodium glutamate are associated with adverse reactions. Patients should be able to follow sodium content in foods by the label and add to reach no more than a total of 2 grams per day. There are small amounts of natural sodium in whole non-processed foods. Avoid processed or pre-prepared foods with high sodium content such as canned foods/soups, lunch meats, snack foods, and frozen dinners with added salt.

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