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High Blood Pressure, Hypertension


Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) and hypertension:

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a natural antioxidant synthesized by the body, found in many foods, and commonly available as a supplement.


Effectiveness of coenzyme Q10 in hypertension:

A systematic review on effectiveness of Coenzyme Q10 in hypertension: In a systematic review done by Rosenfeldt, F L et al, CoQ10 supplementation in 8 trials showed an average decrease in systolic blood pressure of 16 mmHg and a10 mm Hg average decrease in diastolic blood pressure. (45)


A review of trials with coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) for hypertension:

A review of published trials of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) for high blood pressure (hypertension) was conducted and resulted in a meta-analysis including 12 clinical trials (3 randomized controlled trials [RTCs, n=120], 1 crossover study [n=18], and 8 open label studies [n=214]). These trials compared CoQ10 with placebo. In the RTCs, CoQ10 resulted in average decreases of SBP by 16.6 mmHg and DBP by 8.2 mmHg more than placebo. SBP decreased by 11 mmHg and DBP by 8 mmHg in the crossover study with CoQ10 administration, with no significant change reported with placebo. In the open label studies CoQ10 resulted in average decreases of SBP by 13.5 mmHg and DBP by 10.3 mmHg more than placebo. (46)

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