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Jogging and Running Tips

Jogging Tip #8: If you can, run at least 60% of your time outdoors. Although the technology behind treadmills has come a long way it doesn’t take the place of running over the road or track. A treadmill decreases your energy expenditure while increasing your perceived exertion due to lack of distraction.

Jogging Tip #9: Cool down and stretch. This is often the part of the jogging routine that is over looked. You are done running, tired and hot. All you want is to pop in the shower and sit and relax for a few minutes. Don’t give in! Take about 5 minutes to walk and cool down and then another 10 minutes to stretch your quadriceps, hamstrings, gastrocs, glutes, IT band, adductors, triceps, biceps and shoulders. This will decrease the amount of lactic acid build up in the muscle and decrease the how sore you may feel the next day. It will also improve your performance, increase the flexibility of the muscles and prevent injury.

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