Is it OK to Run with a Knee Replacement?
Running is an activity that engenders loyalty and perseverance. Runners are often accused of being addicted to their sport and others call it getting a runners ‘high’. What ever the explanation athletes who choose to run do anything in their power to continue the activity, well past the time when their physicians tell them to stop.
Running with knee replacement may just be that time when continuing the sport becomes more of a problem for the athlete than the stress and grief of stopping. And unfortunately there really aren’t options for running with knee replacements.
In order to fully understand why running with knee replacement isn’t a good idea you first have to understand how the knee and subsequent knee replacement works. The knee absorbs much of the weight distribution as a person walks and runs. As a means of cushioning, the body has cartilage and discs between the bones so that bone doesn’t rub on bone with each step.