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Jogging and Running Tips

Jogging Tip #1: Have a plan! If you fail to plan then you plan to fail. Every good runner, even jogger, has a plan of action to improve at his sport. Especially when starting out at jogging and running have a written plan to follow.

Jogging Tip #2: No matter how good you feel don’t push beyond your plan! The plan is there for a reason. One of the biggest mistakes that novice runners make is to push beyond the written plan on days they feel great. This only increases your risk of injury, makes your body weaker, and makes you question why you started this sport in the first place.

Jogging Tip #3: Your goal is FITNESS. Unless you are an elite endurance and performance athlete you should finish your workouts feeling great. Elite athletes may finish tired once or twice a week but they understand more than most that the body needs time to recover and repair before being able to be pushed again.

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