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Cardiovascular Disease- How to Reverse Heart Disease


Evidence-based diet and exercise programs for coronary artery disease:

The Pritikin Program evidence-based benefits:

A study using 67 patients with metabolic syndrome to investigate the effects of Pritikin therapy for 12-15 days showed improvement in most heart disease risk factors, including body mass index (3% reduction), blood pressure, glucose and LDL cholesterol (10%-15% reduction), and triglycerides (36% reduction). Additionally, 37% of subjects no longer met the criteria for metabolic syndrome as determined by the National Cholesterol Education Program. However, HDL cholesterol decreased by 3%. (33)

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services review of published data on the Pritikin intensive cardiac rehabilitation programs found that it effectively slowed or reversed progression of coronary heart disease and reduce the need for coronary artery bypass grafts (CABG) and percutaneous interventions. Other benefits identified included reduced LDL cholesterol levels, body weight, blood pressure, rates of angioplasty procedures and the need for cholesterol, blood pressure, and diabetes medications. (34)

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