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Cardiovascular Disease- How to Reverse Heart Disease


Exercise goals:

Maintain a physically active lifestyle. Regular activity promotes cardiovascular fitness. For further information about benefits of aerobic exercise or resistance training, please see these sections of Preventive Health Advisor.



Counsel patients to quit smoking. Please see the section on smoking cessation in Preventive Health Advisor.


Importance of reducing dietary fat intake and coronary artery disease:

Reducing dietary fat, LDL reduction, and arterial diameter: Fourteen patients with slightly elevated levels of low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and confirmed coronary atherosclerosis were treated with pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic interventions for 2 years. The subjects were evaluated by coronary angiogram before and after the 2 year University of California Davis Coronary Artery Disease Regression Program. During the study intervention, dietary fat intake was decreased by 58% and intensive risk factor reduction was implemented. LDL levels dropped from 120 mg/dL to 104 mg/dL (p = 0.05). After 24 months, there was a net increase in arterial diameter (regression) of 0.05 mm to 2.81 mm (p = 0.01). While there was no significant change in the average diameter of discrete stenosis (abnormal narrowing in a blood vessel), 1 of 8 mild lesions < or = 20% regressed, while 4 progressed. The intervention resulted in regression of more severe lesions (> 50% initial stenosis), but does not appear to prevent progression of mild lesions (< 20%). These findings suggest that in patients with only mild elevation of lipids, the modification of risk factors improves the biology of the most severe lesions. (81)

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