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Cardiovascular Disease- How to Reverse Heart Disease

According to the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association (AHA), moderate-intensity aerobic activity, preferably every day of the week, for a minimum of 30 minutes per day is recommended to improve and maintain cholesterol levels in adults. (27)


Aerobic exercise and risk of disability:

Aerobic exercise may reduce the risk of disability and mortality of older adults into their 80s. Nine lifelong cross-country skiers, with a mean age of 81 years and a history of aerobic exercise and participation in endurance events throughout their lives, where examined to determine whole body aerobic capacity and myocellular markers of oxidative metabolism. A cycle test was used to measure aerobic capacity (VO2 max) and a resting vastus lateralis muscle biopsy was used to measure oxidative enzymes associated with muscle health. Six age-matched, healthy, untrained men were used as a comparison. Results indicated that the athletes had a higher absolute [2.6 vs. 1.6 L•min(-1)] and relative [38 vs. 21 ml•kg(-1)•min(-1)] aerobic capacity, heart rate [160 vs. 146 b•min(-1)], and final workload (182 vs. 131 watts). Among athletes, muscle oxidative enzymes were 54% (citrate synthase) and 42% (βHAD) higher. In summary, compared to their counterparts, the lifelong athletes had better cardiovascular and skeletal muscle health that was associated with lower risk for disability and mortality. (91)

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