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Cardiovascular Disease- How to Reverse Heart Disease


Coenzyme Q10 for patients with endothelial dysfunction:

A meta-analysis examining the results of five randomized controlled trials, including 194 subjects, found that supplemental coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) resulted in a clinically significant, 1.7% increase in flow-dependent endothelial-mediated dilation. These findings suggest CoQ10 supplementation is associated with significant endothelia function improvement and provides evidence for use in patients with endothelial dysfunction. (17)


Lycopene supplementation for endothelial dysfunction:

Researchers evaluated the effect of lycopene supplementation in endothelial function by measurement of blood flow in the fingertips following compression of the upper arm with an inflatable cuff. The study included 126 healthy men an average of 34 years old and an average body mass index of 24 kg/m2 in a randomized, placebo-controlled study. The subjects received lycopene at 6mg (n = 41), 15mg (n=37), or placebo (n = 38) daily for 8 weeks. The study found that lycopene reduced markers of oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction. The group receiving 15 mg per day of lycopene had significantly increased plasma superoxide dismutase activity and reduced lymphocyte DNA comet tail length, which is a measurement of DNA damage. The group consuming 15 mg of lycopene also had a 23% improvement in endothelial function. The higher-dose lycopene group also showed a significant decrease in C-reactive protein (CRP), a marker of inflammation, systolic blood pressure, sICAM-1 and sVCAM-1 (markers of inflammation associated with plaque formation in the blood vessels). (18)

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